Customer Rights
As a Shield Health Care Customer you have the right to:
Receive service without discrimination based on race, creed, gender, age, handicap, sexual orientation, veteran status, or lifestyle and be treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of your dignity and individuality and be free from abuse or exploitation.
Exercise your rights at any time or to have a designated representative exercise your rights on your behalf.
Protection of confidential information in our files. You will have access to information in our files about you or your account in terms you can understand.
Be informed in advance of changes to your account and involved with any issue or conflict about your account or the products provided.
Refuse the delivery of any product without consequences.
Voice complaints and suggest changes in service or staff without fear, discrimination, or reprisal. You can send complaints to any of the following:
Shield Health Care Centers
Customer Care
27911 Franklin Pkwy
Valencia, CA 91355
CIGNA Medicare
P.O. Box 20010
Nashville, TN 37202
Noridian Medicare
P.O. Box 6727
Fargo, ND 58108-6727
Community Health Accreditation Program
1275 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Be informed in advance both verbally and in writing of the charges for products and services, including any amount you will be expected to pay and any financial hardship created by the purchase or rental of supplies and equipment.
Be told about Shield Health Care Centers‘ liability insurance coverage and company policies upon request.
Access Shield Health Care Centers by phone or fax during normal business hours.
Be advised of the availability, purpose, and appropriate use of State, Medicare, Federal, and CHAP hotline numbers.
Be referred to another provider if not satisfied with our service or if your needs cannot be met. The notice will be in advance and include why service cannot be continued.
Be notified in advance about product options that are available either directly or by contract.
Know why company representatives ask you questions and to refuse to answer questions.
As a Shield Health Care Customer you have the responsibility to:
Provide Shield Health Care with accurate and complete health information.
Follow your doctor‘s plan of care.
Request information about anything that is not understood.
Inform us of any problem with products or services provided.
Provide us the name, telephone number, and written permission of anyone that you have authorized to assist with your account.
Agree that Shield Healthcare has the right to discharge or terminate services with advance notice under any of the following conditions: Your physician does not order the product or service; your physical or emotional condition changes and Shield Health Care can no longer provide appropriate products or services; if you request inappropriate products or services; if you move out of the area served by Shield Health Care; non-payment of any amount owed; other situations that arise that prevents appropriate products or services to be provided to you; not informing Shield Health Care of any changes to your insurance coverage.
Agree to inform Shield Health Care of any services received from other agencies or providers.
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