Skin Cleansers

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  • Skin cleansers work to maintain the skin's natural pH level to reduce the risk of irritation associated with incontinence.
  • Non-drying, antiseptic cleaning power effectively cleans the skin with minimal disruption.
  • Include enriched moisturizing ingredients to keep the skin healthy and hydrated. 
  • Keeps you worry-free with effective deodorization

Shield HealthCare offers skin cleansers that are formulated with antiseptic and anti-microbial agents to deodorize and maintain pH balance. 

Skin cleans are designed to focus on pH balance, while also aiding in the healing of damaged skin with enriched ingredients. They can facilitate ease of removal of fecal matter, diarrhea, and urine with minimal disruption and no discomfort. Alcohol-free and no-sting formula options not only deodorize but also drastically reduce odors associated with incontinence. It is also capable of eliminating odors from clothes and bed linen when added with detergent to the laundry, making it perfect for daily use.

Brands Carried:

Ca-Rezz, Peri-Wash, Aloe Vesta